Did you notice that we dropped the '.blogspot' in our name? Yeah we're now about the .com life. Please who's the "our" that I'm referring to? Lol. I feel like an adult blogger now. Not that it's a measure of anything, but I didn't like the blogspot part anymore and I did something about it! (Such an adult-y move eh?). Shout out to my web developer friend Lemuel for all the help...yes, go see his work. Okay, moving on. Twice this week, I got asked if my nearly month long experience of being back in Nigeria has helped me decide on whether or not I'd like to move back to Nigeria for good. Has it? I don't know. I'm just taking stock of what I love and what I don't want to deal with, so that when it's time to decide, I'll have some things to consider. I love that it's very normal to see beautiful, grand houses here! I love the architecture. I now want to build beautiful, grand houses with lots of chandeliers, marble...
Musings on Life, Love, and Everything in between