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Showing posts with the label Love

Love Yourself, Love Your God, & Love Your Person

These 3 pieces of advice seem pretty basic. But trust me, they're far from basic: Love Yourself, Love Your God, & Love Your Person 1.  Don't awaken love till the time is right;  it's a form of self-love to wait for the right time and person. Bored people think about love a lot, and I can testify. Sometimes you're not craving love and attention; you're just bored. You're not staying in touch with your friends and you're not doing anything outside work or school that give you life. So, whenever you go on Instagram, Twitter, Netflix and see something even remotely romantic you're suddenly aware of your singleness and you imagine that your life will be so much fuller if you had romantic love. But there's so much more to you.  You have friends that need you. You have talents that need to be expressed. You have more money-making opportunities in you. You have organizations that could use your generosity, especially your time. The thing is,


I'm starting a hashtag to chronicle my own love story :D FOBI = Fope + Obi. Look at God! Will Update this with a bomb photo of us later :) Edit: still working on the Bomb photo but for now, I love this goofy one. Drumroll please! yes, bomb photo has arrived! Shout out to @ToluFiz for the fine snaps :). View this post on Instagram Anytime we recount our journey to people, 🤯this is how they react . I like how wild it is. To me, it means we can’t take credit for it. I’m super grateful for the Extravagant gift that Obi is, and even more grateful to the giver of this great gift! God is still doing exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. #FOBIforever loading !!! 💃🏾 📸: @fiz__co A post shared by Fope (@fopsythegreat) on Jul 12, 2019 at 2:29pm PDT via GIFER

On Love and Loving: Apples and Chicken Nuggets

I never understood the whole " playing hard to get" movement. In my head, if you liked someone and felt like it could go somewhere; if it felt like you'd done your due diligence - a.k.a you'd checked that there were no obvious red flags and that you shared similar values, then you'd let things flow...albeit cautiously. That was my old thinking. Photo credit:  Cate Storymoon  via  /  CC BY-SA I now feel like a scarred person, and I don't like it. I mean with other things in life, it makes sense that you adjust your behavior as you learn, that you go into the future armed with lessons learned. But for this, it feels like a bad idea that I'm allowing negative experiences influence how I approach the future. Then again, I think it'd be stupid not to. It's now so bad that I no longer go into any _ships (read as: situationShip, friendShip, potentialShip and other ships) with open arms. There's no longer my usual e xciteme

Let Love Grow...Seriously, Give it a Chance.

My friend got married last week, and on their wedding website she pretty much said, "I'm marrying the guy I made fun of in a group chat with my friends". I thought it was funny, so obviously I read the rest of the story. It was one of those where she had an assumption about who he would be, it was all fun and jokes until they got talking and he turned out to be amazing. So amazing that she now calls him the love of her life, and they've vowed to spend forever together. Now, this is one story where she gave him a chance, even when he seemed laughable.  At the very least, we can say it wasn’t love at first sight, a.k.a. no obvious chemistry.  Today’s 21 st century love script  in a 'no chemistry' situation probably says, “nah, the guy would probably fit in the friend zone”. Right? How about we talk a little about seeing beyond the 21st-century ingredients for love and instant attraction? Photo credit:  Katy.Tresedder  via  /  CC BY-NC-ND

7 Things Married Folks Said They'd Tell Their Unmarried Selves.

I asked some married people about things they'd tell their single selves.  My exact words were, "I'm writting a blogpost on things you'd tell your unmarried self.  "Can you please give me one piece of advice you'd give your unarried self?"  They all didn't give me a response on the spot, so they thought this through. Here's what they had to say: Photo credit:  Shawn Harquail  via  /  CC BY-NC 1) I would tell my unmarried self to  be patient and to ignore people's comments about me getting old . I would not just accept any man because I felt pressured. I would be determined to wait for God's best for my life not minding how old I was. 2) I would tell myself not to be rushed. I would say  marry someone you truly love, someone who is ready to die for you (if need be)" . 3) I would definitely  investigate a potential partner thoroughly.  If she claims to have a degree, I want to know how true that is. I would get t

I Still Do!

Hey Guys! Happy New Year! I can't be late with that greeting because in my head it's only like January 5th. I have no idea what's going on with the calendar! How are we already at the end of week 3?  Dear calendar, please who's chasing you? Anyway, today's topic was Instagram inspired! That customized explore button/tab thing on Instagram is right behind Agege bread on the list of amazing inventions! Exploration, stalking and 'checking out' made easy! It basically monitors the people you follow, the things you like, and even your searches (I think) and then presents an almost endless list of people and pictures that might interest you. Basically, you can just keep scrolling while the rest of your life is happening. Sounds kind of creepy, right? Yeah, but not really, if you're using the Internet at all, all this monitoring is already happening. So on today's exploration, I came across this page that's, basically all lovey-dovey, and after

Valentine's day musing on blindness

So the other day, I was searching for an image on google when I came across a picture of a blind man and his bride. He is well known and I've seen some of his works, so I immediately recognized him. The 'people watcher' in me, who makes up stories about people's lives and wonders how closely related to reality the stories are, immediately imagined what dating and being married would be like for him. This whole thing happened towards the end of last year and I started a blogpost about it but never got to finishing it. But yesterday on the bus, I saw another blind man I know. I didn't know this guy personally, but he used to live close to my old house. I was never able to stop myself from staring whenever I saw him. I guess it's because I expected him to do things with difficulty and maybe even ask for my help with crossing that uber busy road? Sometimes, I'd wait at a distance to see if he crossed successfully or if he would need help.  But all he ever did w

Practical Steps In The Choice Of A Life Partner - 1 By Brother Gbile Akani

Hello people! This is an awesome video! Just let it play and do whatever you need to do. Watch and be blessed! It's really good, I promise. And if you really don't have the time, you can book mark it for later while you read the notes I took of it...but watch it :(. It doesn't look fancy or anything, but it's good. Psalm 32:8 New Living Translation (NLT) 8 The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.     I will advise you and watch over you. Proverbs 18:22 New Living Translation (NLT) 22 The man who finds a wife finds a treasure,     and he receives favor from the Lord. Proverbs 19:14 New Living Translation (NLT) 14 Fathers can give their sons an inheritance of houses and wealth,     but only the Lord can give an understanding wife. God instituted marriage Genesis 2:18 New Living Translation (NLT) 18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right f

He was from Mangaia, She was from Inis Beag.

As written on 15/01/2014 (Re-published on 17/09/2015): After a really interesting human sexuality lecture, I wrote this post as a teenager who asked his parents what sex was like when they were growing up. Most of the words are written the way I understood what my prof was saying, please feel free to 'comment' any modification to this. Because someone read this post and had a very strong and unanticipated negative reaction to it, here's my disclaimer: I found this to be an interesting historical bit, it's from some time in the 60s (I think). I viewed it as an educational and historical reading. I am quite comfortable talking about unconventional topics. There was no spirit guiding me to see the words as something to apply to my life, as the Holy Spirit does  when a Christian reads the Bible. The post is really not that deep, but if sex behaviours across cultures isn't your topic, feel  free to skip this and browse through the rest of my blog. Even though I'v