I honestly need to stop ruining my earphones. I think this is about the 10th pair to get ruined this year. This time I slept and woke up and it became the manual kind that had to be held at the connection point to get both ears to function. Urgh! It doesn't have anything to do with today's blogpost, but that's how I like to write- with earphones plugged in, playing an old song that I listen to a tad too often. I don't really have a writing project for my blog, but I have one for something else that I'd rather not bore you with. So let's stick with writers blogging about writing.
I'd say it's not my style- writing about writing- what I think aims at making others better writers. I'm of the "please just write something I'd like to read" opinion. I guess there are some people who write so well that they get asked to write about writing. But I'm not quite there yet.
What I think about writing about writing is that it's kind of a constraint to the person who's learning how to write. Except the write-up is teaching basic stuff like proper punctuation (which I could definitely use some lessons on), enhancing readability, ways of including humour in writing or things like that, teaching someone how to write is indirectly inflicting ones style on another person.
Lol...It already sounds like an essay. No one deserves that on a fine Saturday morning. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that, not only is writing about writing boring for me, I think it could 'reduce' the individual differences in writing that make it possible to read 10 essays by different people, but about the same topic, without getting bored. But this isn't to play down the impact of experience on writing excellence, or to say that there can't be ways to improve oneself based on others' advice on how to do that. I just think it needs to be done with a bit of caution. Since writers can only give as much as they have, writing advice -like any other form of advice- should be accepted with caution.
✔ Day 1 of 10-day blogging challenge completed.
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