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Love Yourself, Love Your God, & Love Your Person

These 3 pieces of advice seem pretty basic. But trust me, they're far from basic: Love Yourself, Love Your God, & Love Your Person 1.  Don't awaken love till the time is right;  it's a form of self-love to wait for the right time and person. Bored people think about love a lot, and I can testify. Sometimes you're not craving love and attention; you're just bored. You're not staying in touch with your friends and you're not doing anything outside work or school that give you life. So, whenever you go on Instagram, Twitter, Netflix and see something even remotely romantic you're suddenly aware of your singleness and you imagine that your life will be so much fuller if you had romantic love. But there's so much more to you.  You have friends that need you. You have talents that need to be expressed. You have more money-making opportunities in you. You have organizations that could use your generosity, especially your time. The thing is,


I'm starting a hashtag to chronicle my own love story :D FOBI = Fope + Obi. Look at God! Will Update this with a bomb photo of us later :) Edit: still working on the Bomb photo but for now, I love this goofy one. Drumroll please! yes, bomb photo has arrived! Shout out to @ToluFiz for the fine snaps :). View this post on Instagram Anytime we recount our journey to people, 🤯this is how they react . I like how wild it is. To me, it means we can’t take credit for it. I’m super grateful for the Extravagant gift that Obi is, and even more grateful to the giver of this great gift! God is still doing exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. #FOBIforever loading !!! 💃🏾 📸: @fiz__co A post shared by Fope (@fopsythegreat) on Jul 12, 2019 at 2:29pm PDT via GIFER


Photo by Steve Johnson from Pexels This evening, my sister called me. She'd just come out of her school's prize-giving day and she was mad she didn't get any awards. Honestly, she had reason to be mad. This year, she worked super duper hard, and got grades to show for it, pretty much 100% on every test, or 97% on the 'bad' days. So, she figured at least one of those perfect grades had to count for something. But they didn't. "Not even an acknowledgement of my hard work. I really really tried this year", she said.   The thing is, this was a rant and we both knew it. Despite her hardwork, we both knew that her not getting the award meant it went to someone even more deserving. Still, it sucked. And that's how adulting feels. There are days I feel like I've worked so soo hard and something slips right out of my grasp, and I have no one to blame. Sometimes I try to blame myself, but I soon realize there's no point crying over spilled m

Is She Really "Beautiful" or Are You Just Lazy?

This weekend has me feeling some type of Chimamanda way about the word "beautiful". Photo credit:  terriem  via  /  CC BY-NC-SA Being mothers' day weekend, I've heard the word "beautiful" thrown around carelessly more than usual. It's  like we become mentally lazy when giving women compliments. We think, "Women like to be called beautiful, and it's a word that is generally endearing." I don't doubt that many women enjoy being called beautiful, but it's demeaning when it's used in situations where there's so much more to be celebrated, where beauty obviously played no part in the achievement of success. It's the curse of a patriarchal society that we've somehow forgotten that words that apply to men, can and often should apply to women too. So I thought I'd help a little.  For the next time you want to praise a woman in your life for something that she didn't use her face or good lo

We The Feminist Lites

I think my kind of feminism is what Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie calls  Feminst Lite .  This is me  : Feminist who believes in equal rights for men and women, and who also believes in the Biblical model of womanhood- in and outside marriage. In marriage it's with the infamous submission, outside it, it's a  celebration of the uniqueness of being a woman. I don't believe that men are "naturally superior", rather I believe God has bestowed different responsibilities on men and women in a marriage that the order of headship and submission gives room for. This difference in roles comes with no qualifier of what's more or less important. To me, the bottom line of  Feminism is having a choice, a real choice. Not the kind of choice that is available on paper, but gives room for systemic misogyny, where taking a maternity leave can severely damage my career. Photo credit:  richard evea  via  /  CC BY-SA I think both views - Feminism and Submis

On Love and Loving: Apples and Chicken Nuggets

I never understood the whole " playing hard to get" movement. In my head, if you liked someone and felt like it could go somewhere; if it felt like you'd done your due diligence - a.k.a you'd checked that there were no obvious red flags and that you shared similar values, then you'd let things flow...albeit cautiously. That was my old thinking. Photo credit:  Cate Storymoon  via  /  CC BY-SA I now feel like a scarred person, and I don't like it. I mean with other things in life, it makes sense that you adjust your behavior as you learn, that you go into the future armed with lessons learned. But for this, it feels like a bad idea that I'm allowing negative experiences influence how I approach the future. Then again, I think it'd be stupid not to. It's now so bad that I no longer go into any _ships (read as: situationShip, friendShip, potentialShip and other ships) with open arms. There's no longer my usual e xciteme

When Pride Isn't the Loudest Voice in The Room.

Pride isn't always big and grand or loud. And I think this subtle kind has to be the worst. It's the kind that makes me see her mismatched eyebrows before I see her. It's also the kind that makes me hang on so much to the error in the order of his words, that I end up missing the point of what he was saying. Sharp, critical tongue.  That's what Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth calls it. On some days I call it telling it as it is, on other days I sandwich it between cozy good words. But that's like handing someone a blade sandwich; nicely cushioning the blades between bread doesn't make it less cruel. A sharp, critical tongue is one way to show pride, but there's also the habit of interrupting people mid-speech, the need to control outcomes, and  whole list  you can self-diagnose against. Photo credit:  ~Momma B~  via  /  CC BY-NC- I haven't quite nailed it yet, so this isn't a here's my "victory over pride" self-help