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Showing posts with the label Lifestyle

Travel week is Upon us!

Somewhere between life happening and life happening, I forgot to post this on Monday. But I re-read it and thought it unfitting for the trash. So here you go! Very unlike me, my bags are packed! Seeing as one of the stars on my crown is for excellence at procrastination, I definitely surprised myself on this one! At this point, I've sort of run out of things to buy towards this trip. Or rather, my account has lost any interest in yielding funds to support my "necessary" purchases. The most expensive of these purchases was definitely my travel medication. Honestly, it wasn't so much the actual cost, as it was the opportunity cost of the money spent on drugs and vaccinations. I know I probably won't fall sick, but the way my body is set up, it'd be stupid to go unarmed, because when I do fall sick, I tend to see the "white light" before I eventually come back to earth.  So I'm here in a walk in clinic waiting to receive a typhoid feve

Currently living on Youtube... come squat with me!

You know how in my last post I said I've been watching tons of Youtube videos? I've found Shirley B Eniang, GabeBabeTV and a few other awesome people. Maybe I'll update this list later. Anyway, here's what I'm currently watching. It's such a fun video to watch, and you already know how I feel about sharing all the fun stuff I find. Plus her story is so similar to mine! I think you'll love it. Let it play while you're doing the dishes, folding the laundry, eating lunch...whatever. You'll thank me later ;) Enjoy! EDIT: Updated list: 1) Meet  Vicky Logan . She's fun and easy to love. I first wasn't sure how I felt about her because the first video I watched of her felt like she was uncomfortable being on Youtube. I remember thinking "so why are you on here if you don't want to be?". In retrospect, I think it might have been my mood that day because she's definitely awesome. I'm not going to try to get o

What's New with Fopsy?

It's not like I plan to post new blogposts on Tuesdays, Tuesday just happens to be the day that I don't plan much for. So here I am, on another Tuesday afternoon. Since my blog got a new look last week, I've been playing around with its structure. I've been trying to re-categorize posts to figure out exactly what the blog is about. I really want it to be about one thing, but there's no single thing that keeps me up at night- there are however a few things I love. I know that once I'm comfortable, I could talk about a topic forever. I also love sharing new knowledge! Oh and food and travel are my boos! Jesus is king in my life and I'm learning to love Him more, so I sometimes share about that. Anyway, if you clicked on this post, you're probably looking to really learn what is new with me. I'm travelling to Nigeria for almost three months. I'm kind of excited. I was very excited, but there were so many killjoys reminding me of the sketchy secu

Doing this life thing

Guess who recently graduated?! 🙋🙋 I did! It's still not feeling real. Well, it's been almost a month since I wrote this post, so I guess some of the feelings might be outdated. I've gone from being really excited, to being an emotional wreck, and to many points in-between those two. Nonetheless, glory be to God without whom nothing would be possible! I'd say, I'm learning the whole process of trusting God! It's no walk in the park I tell you. I could do an entire rantisode (episode of pure rants) about that, but I'll spare you. Actually, I won't. #Classof2015 For the most part of the year it's been incredibly difficult to do life. If you know me you'd probably find that a little weird, because I'd consider my self a care-free, life-loving person. Still, it's been difficult to be authentically me. It's just been hard to be happy being myself...if that makes any sense. It was difficult not to compare myself with my friends who

Staying in my lane!

Howdy! So someone asked me if I still had this blog this past month and I believe that's a bad sign...haha. Let's just say I write sometimes and other times, I don't. Today, I feel like writing about staying in my lane.  I don't even know if that's what I'll end up writing about.  Life is getting weirder. Undegrad is done, a.k.a., the comfort of kind of knowing what's happening next year with my life is gone. People are vanishing. Not quite literally, but they are. Everyone's on Instagram and Snapchat, and in church, and in school, and around, but they're not really 'here'. We're there with each other, but we're not together. It turns out intentionally booking appointments to meet up with people is what’s helping to maintain sanity.  I miss having eleven roommates in high school (and no it wasn't cramped).  It was great, we had fun; something interesting was always happening. From my life and bits of ... ehm let's cal

Paper Flower

Source: I stood at your grave today and watched all these people decorate it with most sensational of flowers. Yours was easily the prettiest spot in the whole yard...not that that was a price anyone would crave. Someone must have heard you talk about daffodils at the hospital because the entire hospital crew brought those. Even now, I can hear you joking about the lucky hell-bound fellow who got to sell all of it. When six months became a year, two, and then four, we figured you'd beat the big C. You made it your thing to remind us that science and yourself, the only big C, were the ones involved in your miraculous survival. I still feel the same way about life and time as I did when you were here Cariole. And I know you would have asked why my all-powerful C had His hands folded while your routine check-up became a "cancer come back". I still don't have all the answers. For your sake, I really wish I did. But I&#

Think. There's no box. Just think.

Zero is infinity... with a twist. No thing is everything... because now there's nothing at stake. Emptiness is fullness... because now there's room to be filled. Zero is infinity...when an arm twirls it at the right angle, when the mind sees the emptiness as endless possibilities, when you realize that you don't even have a box to think in, you see how much thinking room there is outside the box. So honey, think, there's no box. Just think. The possibilities are endless.

You owe it to someone to shave? What...?

The other day, I saw a bikini model and realized that when I get married, I sort of owe it to someone to shave. What does that even mean? Well marriage involves sex, sex involves attractive nakedness, and that kind of involves presenting the best version of your naked self, and in today's world, that involves regular hair removal. Wonk. Wonk. Wonk :'( . For people who can't bear the tape hair removing method (I think regular humans call it waxing), who get tired of rinsing the shaving stick hundred times from having just allowed a full on bush to blossom, who end up with scratches and cuts and uneven hair patches, this must sound like torture. I can't imagine having to shave very regularly -_-. On one hand, I'm not a radical who will wait till she has plaitable hair, but I'm no silky-skinned arm model either #teamEsau.  Well there's the electric shaving thing though, and there's t