Hi! We're taking a lifestyle turn on the blog today. It turns out hair is kind of a huge deal for me. I'm not into jewellery and I'm not a make-up enthusiast either. So hair works for me. This is a short and sweet post. It's just pictures of Cynthia of SimplyCyn a.k.a addicted2etsy . I've been googling hair-inspirations and I'm working my way up to the part where my hair looks this fabulous. I stalked her a bit and was able to pick a few of her recent pictures. I was going to post some of my recent pictures that had some similarities to hers, but then my selfies looked like poop next her fancy high resolution pictures. Thankfully I have a photoshoot coming soon (yay!), so I can upgrade from my poop pictures. Hope y'all are having a great summer? Life is moving pretty fast for me and I'm beginning to feel old. Ehm no ranting today. So till next time! Do something worthwhile in the meantime :) Fopsy ...
Musings on Life, Love, and Everything in between