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Showing posts with the label Naija Living

Week One in Lagos.

It has only been five days since I got Lagos, but my Snapchat friends will easily testify that they are barely swimming under the flood of posts from my Lagos living. Does anyone feel like attesting to this? It’s so familiar yet unfamiliar. Everything is the same, except that it isn’t. I forgot for a moment (more like for half a decade) that I lived in one of the less-posh parts of Lagos (Ipaja) and that the “Instagram Lagos”, didn’t really extend to my side. Can you blame me?  Let's talk about the flipping HORNS! My goodness! Have they always been so loud? For the first two days I jumped every time I heard one, because you really don’t use your horn in Canada except there is an emergency of sorts. Here, the horn seems to multitask as the signal (left/right signalling), as a means to call prospective passengers (a.k.a any pedestrian), to check your blind spot when changing lanes/ when entering or leaving a three-way street... basically anything. I&#

Travel week is Upon us!

Somewhere between life happening and life happening, I forgot to post this on Monday. But I re-read it and thought it unfitting for the trash. So here you go! Very unlike me, my bags are packed! Seeing as one of the stars on my crown is for excellence at procrastination, I definitely surprised myself on this one! At this point, I've sort of run out of things to buy towards this trip. Or rather, my account has lost any interest in yielding funds to support my "necessary" purchases. The most expensive of these purchases was definitely my travel medication. Honestly, it wasn't so much the actual cost, as it was the opportunity cost of the money spent on drugs and vaccinations. I know I probably won't fall sick, but the way my body is set up, it'd be stupid to go unarmed, because when I do fall sick, I tend to see the "white light" before I eventually come back to earth.  So I'm here in a walk in clinic waiting to receive a typhoid feve