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Showing posts from July, 2014

Audience of One

I wrote this piece on last year's "Live it loud " experience, and all I could say was that it was an amazing experience! I couldn't exactly express how I felt about it, but I knew it was great. I've had a year to think about why that was, and here's what I've come up with:   It had been so long since I had heard doctrine that sound and for that amount of time (almost 4 days of non-stop goodness!) oh my goodness!  I like to think of myself as a turn down kind of person, but it turned out that all I needed was my kind of turn up; live it loud provided that and more.  It was a road trip and mini vacation in one! Those are two of my favorite things.  I think amidst all that excitement, I ate the word but somehow didn't digest it. So I tasted it, knew that it was great, but it didn't do much to my body. So it ended there and I couldn't even point to what I remembered from the whole conference.  This is so easy to do you know? In the excitem...

I've been doodling, I've been doodling

If you didn't sing that title in Beyonce's "I've been drinking, I've been drinking" voice you need to go back and fix that. Like right now. Lol.  Have you? Alright then. You know how on some days you want to just share your issues. Like, ranting with no purpose other than to talk to someone without holding back. Not because you want their advice or their judgement. Not because you need a friend or sympathy of some just want to talk. Turns out many people don't get this. Everyone's so eager to be the hero, save the day, give you that life changing piece of advice. And you're just there like urgh, just shut up and listen. Anyway, I think that’s why I want to be a shrink, one of the reasons why. In the absence of suitable humans, I've been doodling. Lol! I'm just going to take the liberty to call it art. You might disagree, but when I use the "hang in gallery" feature on art pad, it looks as gorgeous as regular art wo...