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I promise, I promise..

Picture perfect. Those were the words most of my guests had described my wedding day as. I might as well have been dipped in diamonds. I glowed from head to toe. Vera Wang had custom made my wedding dress to perfection. So much that Louis (my ever broke friend who had turned gay because he just couldn't deal with girlfriends and their extravagantness) became a believer in my one occasion dress that was worth a lifetime of savings for many. My amazing aunt had provided Dink and I with Audi's latest model as a "small" wedding present. Dink had just gotten promoted and was now fourth in command of my father's multi-million dollar company. Yes, we were more than able to afford the mansion we called home in Banana Island. I broke my hymen in grand style in Burj Al Arab, Dubai. My cheeks now burn as I remember how hard it was to convince Dink that my "cookie" wouldn't decay from being in the jar for so long! Ha those days were...hmm, words just w

Hey Lil Troublemaker.

Photo credit:  looseends  via  /  CC BY-NC-SA Freezing as usual. I've gone through today's edition of "school sucks, especially in the Winter". I have a midterm anyway, so there's no way around school today. No point whining. There's a 3-minute bus for the 7minute walk I have to make to my next class.  When the roads are icy and slippery (like today) and man's greatest fear is becoming 'Humpty-Dumty the second', that walk becomes more10-ish minutes. So, of course I'll take the bus! *Whew!*. I made the bus.  To calm my raging nerves - because I'm pretty tensed about my Stats midterm - I read the cover page of Metro newspaper. The story I first see is something about wheelchairs not getting priority over strollers. Lol? Who wouldn't know that? On second thought, it wouldn't be on the front page of the paper if something hadn't happened. Apparently, some bus driver had told someone with a toddler to get off t