These 3 pieces of advice seem pretty basic. But trust me, they're far from basic: Love Yourself, Love Your God, & Love Your Person 1. Don't awaken love till the time is right; it's a form of self-love to wait for the right time and person. Bored people think about love a lot, and I can testify. Sometimes you're not craving love and attention; you're just bored. You're not staying in touch with your friends and you're not doing anything outside work or school that give you life. So, whenever you go on Instagram, Twitter, Netflix and see something even remotely romantic you're suddenly aware of your singleness and you imagine that your life will be so much fuller if you had romantic love. But there's so much more to you. You have friends that need you. You have talents that need to be expressed. You have more money-making opportunities in you. You have organizations that could use your generosity, especially your time. The thing is, ...
Musings on Life, Love, and Everything in between