I think my kind of feminism is what Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie calls Feminst Lite . This is me : Feminist who believes in equal rights for men and women, and who also believes in the Biblical model of womanhood- in and outside marriage. In marriage it's with the infamous submission, outside it, it's a celebration of the uniqueness of being a woman. I don't believe that men are "naturally superior", rather I believe God has bestowed different responsibilities on men and women in a marriage that the order of headship and submission gives room for. This difference in roles comes with no qualifier of what's more or less important. To me, the bottom line of Feminism is having a choice, a real choice. Not the kind of choice that is available on paper, but gives room for systemic misogyny, where taking a maternity leave can severely damage my career. Photo credit: richard evea via Foter.com / CC BY-SA I think both...
Musings on Life, Love, and Everything in between